Monday, August 27, 2007

Symbol of the supreme energy.

Mantras for daily practice.

Morning Mantras-
Mahamrityunjaya mantra (11 times): For increasing self healing quality of Body and Mind, protecting from negativities of death and pain.

Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanat mrityormukshiya mamritat

Meaning – I offer my regards to Lord Shiva, please give me best of Health (physical, mental and spiritual). Free me from all the bondages and give me immortality by saving from untimely death.

The Gayatri Mantra (11 times): For increasing creative energy for Body and Mind, increasing pranic energy.
Meaning: We meditate on the adorable sun of spiritual energy. May it inspire our higher intelligence.

Om bhur bhuvah swah
Tat saviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.

Suryanamaskara (Salutation to the Sun)
Suryanamaskara Mantra
OM RHAM MIRTAYA NAMAHA (Ram is the Beeja Mantra, Salute of the friend of all)
OM RHIM RAVAYE NAMAHA (… to the shining one)
OM RHUM SURYAYA NAMAHA (…to one who induces activity)
OM RHAIM BHANAVE NAMAHA (…to one who illumines)
OM RHOUM KHAGAYA NAMAHA (…to one who moves quickly in the sky)
OM RHAH PUSHNE NAMAHA (…to the imparter of strength)
OM RHAM HIRANYAGARBHAYA NAMAHA (…to the golden cosmic self)
OM RHIM MARICHAYE NAMAHA (…to the lord of the dawn)
OM RHUM ADITYAYA NAMAHA (…to the son of Aditi, the cosmic mother)
OM RHAIM SAVITRE NAMAHA (…to the lord of creations)
OM RHOUM ARKAYA NAMAHA (…to the one who is fit to be praised)
OM RHAH BHASKARAYA NAMAHA (…to the one who leads to enlightenment)

The complete Mantra:

Durga Namavali (3 times) – For protection from downfall and ensuring constant evolution.

Durga Durgartishamani Durga Padminivarani !!
Durgamachhedini Durgasadhani Durganashini!!
Durgatoddharini Durganihantri Durgamapahaa!!
Durgamadnyananda DurgadaityaLoka Davanala!!
Durgama Durgamaloka Durgamatmaswaroopini!!
Durgamargaprada Durgamavidya Durgamashrita!!
DurgamaDnyanaSansthana Durgamadhyanabhasini!!
Durgamoho Durgamaga Durgamarthaswaroopini!!
DurgamaSuraSanhantri DurgamaYudhdharini!!
Durgamangi Durgamatha Durgamya Durganeshwari!!
DurgaBhima DurgaBhama Durgabha Durgadarini !!

Initial prayer (Before starting yoga)

Guruvandana – Salutations to Guru.
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnuh Gurur Devo Maheshwarah!
Guruh Sakshat Parabrahma tasmaie shri (Gurave namah, Gurave namah, Gurave namah!!
Meaning Guru is the creator (Bramha), Guru is Operator (Vishnu), Guru is Destroyer (Maheshwara), Guru is supreme consciousness, I am offering my regards to Guru.

Final prayer (at the end of yoga practice)

Salutations to the Cosmic Mother

Durga smruta harsi bheetim, ashesha jantoho!
Swasthaiee smruta matimateeva shubhandadasi!!
Daridrya dukkha bhaya harinee ka tvadanya!
Sarvopakar karnaya sadardra chitte!!

Sarva mangal mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike!
Sharanye tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostute!!
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih !
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih !
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih !

Meaning: O Goddess Durga ( Cosmic mother)! Those who pray you, are free from fear,
Thou impart wisdom to those who contemplate you. Thou shower thy lover and affection upon all beings. Who eise would free us from the bondages of poverty, sorrow and fear.
O Goddess of beauty and creation! Your auspicious presence fills the universe with divinity and your kindness fulfills all our wishes. O Goddess of three eyes, we surrender to you and offer our saluations.
May there be peace peace peace!

Prayer for Universal Peace –

Om asato Ma sadgamaya! (Let the truth destroy untruth)
Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya ! (Let the light destroy darkness)
Mrityorma amritam gamaya !! (Let the immortality destroy mortality or death.

Savesham Swastirbhavatu ! ( May all become auspicious
Sarvesham Shantirbhavatu !( May all attain peace)
Sarvesham mangalam bhavatu ! (May all attain joy)
Sarvesham poornam bhavatu !! (May all become complete / reach the state of completeness.

Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu ! (Let everybody be happy)
Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu ! (Let everybody be happy)
Naham karta hariri karta (I am not the creator)
Harihi kartahi kevalam !! (God/ pure consciousness is doing everything.)

OM Shantih Om Shantih Om Shantih

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