Yoga is an integrated system of health of the holistic development of a person. It aims at the being of the body and mind and prescribes a life of self discipline for complete physical health and mental peace. The word is derived from the Sanskrit “ Yuj”. Union of mind, body and soul. In fact union Atman with Paramatman (supreme consciousness). Atman mean the controller of self and Paramatman mean the controller of the entire universe. Paramatman is oscine and Atman is a drop of water from the oscine, kept in a bucket. (body). Atman can merge with Paramatman when it completely looses its identity. In fact this is the aim of Yoga. Present condition of human being is Body (not healthy), Mind( Not purified), Intellect (not Trained). Yoga practice helps to correct the disorders in the body, improving the metal capacities and developing the intellect.
Yoga helps to control over the body through asanas, (postures), pranayama (breathing method). To control mind it is necessary to control over the body and this is done through meditation.
Postures helps to stretch all the parts of body and it helps to make us healthy. And pranayama helps to develop vital energy or vital life force by controlling the breath.
Yoga helps to cleanses the entire system of our body, and helps to remove all the toxins and waste from our body.
Meditation is the process of attaining total awareness by controlling the mind.
Yoga, it could also be considered a form of alternative medicine.
Yoga was practiced in India and Nepal more then 5000 years ago. Where the ancient sages regarded it as a divine science. Thousands of years ago ancient sages realized the important of nature. It was believe that ancient sages by observing the nature and the certain behavior in animals they developed ways to achieve similar results. For example, by observing the cat stretching to relieve lethargy and stiffness. Which is knows as cat pose. By practicing cat pose one can lubricates spinal area.
It was around 3000BC that sage PATANJALI, he also known as father of yoga, wrote down the existing knowledge. Now a days it know as yoga sutra. Some of other ancient text (Veda, Upanishade, Ramayana and Mahabharat) mentions about yoga. More specific to the subject is the Hatha Yoga pradipika, which discussed asanas and pranayama.
The philosophy of yoga is that body is the vehicle for soul in its journey towards spiritual enlightment.
Yoga teaches that every human being has three body. That is Physical, Astral and Causal body. Physical body that is visible, Astral body coincidence with the mind and casual body with the soul. The aim of the yoga is to transcend the first two bodies to activate third body that is causal body.
According to yoga there are energy centers in our body which is called charkas (Wheels). Yoga helps us to activate these charkas. Which helps us to realize our full potential? Each charkas are situated in a particular area in the astral body. There are seven charkas in our body. Postures and meditation are designed to activate these charkas so that one can benefit from the energy released.
Sahasrara Chakra (Thousand petalled lotus charka)
Ajana Chakra (Sun charka)
Vishuddhi Chakra (Mercury charka)
Anahat Chakra (Venus charka)
Manipura chakra (Mars charka)
Swadhisthana chakra (Jupiter charka)
Muladhara Chakra (Saturn charka)
Yoga has different branches like
Hatha Yoga (Yoga of will)
Raja Yoga ( Yoga of Mind)
Karma Yoga ( Yoga of Action)
Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)
Jhana Yoga (Yoga of Wisdom)
Tantra Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Yogic Path.
Patanjali yoga describe about Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Fold Yoga).
1) Yama (Social Discipline)
Yama (Social Dicipline)
Ahimsa (Non Violence)
Asteya (Non stealing)
Satya (Truthfulness)
Ahimsa (Non Violence)
SYama (Social Dicipline)
atya (Truthfulness)
Satya (Truthfulness)
Brahmacharya (sex control)
Aparigraha (Non Possessiveness)
2) Niyama (Self Discipline)
Niyama (Self Disicipline)
Soucha (Cleanliness)
Santosha (Contentment)
Tapa (Austerity)
Swadhyaya (Self Study)
Ishwara Pranidhana (Surrender to God)
3) Asana (Posture)
4) Pranayama (Breathing control)
5) Pratyahara (Withdrawl of sense organs)
6) Dharana ( Concentration of Mind)
7) Dhyana ( Meditation)
8) Samadhi (Union with God)
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